We build digital media platforms that drive sales and maximize brand impact. We build apps, advanced television, websites and plug ins for brands and publishers worldwide.

Featured Services
The Featured Services below are our raison d’ etre. Our Team has subject matter experts in each of the categories below.
Video Content Distribution
We can get your content distributed on multiple video distribution platforms. It doesn’t matter which video environment or world geography we can get it out there and in front of an audience.
Display Monetization Strategies
Display isn’t going away any time soon. We are video experts but we have a deeply rooted background in the Display industry. We can show you how to increase your earnings with Display.
Audience Acquisition for Publishers
There are “safe” places to acquire audiences and we can point you to the best ones to grow your media. We can help you scale cost effectively.
Native Monetization strategies
Not all Native is created equal. We can introduce you to the best players in the game to make sure you maximize your earning potential.
Video Monetization Strategies
We help you adopt strategies and tactics to monetize your video content. This allows you to generate revenue and create more content to monetize.
Our Team
Our Team is 50+ Senior Developers for Apps, Designers, Senior Developers WP, UI Designers, Mobile App Developers and Support Engineers. Our technology expertise includes HTML5, JAVASCRIPT, JQuery, PHP, MYSQL, Code Igniter, Shopify, WordPress, Android and IOS Apps. We will build or help redesign your media. We can build your dream site and include video, native and display monetization strategies!
Technical Skills
Media Design Services

Websites and E-Commerce Websites
We create the best of breed and won’t accept anything less from ourselves. Whether it is a full-blown e-commerce or social media video Platform or a plug-in for Word Press or anything in between we have you covered.

E-Commerce and Applications
We are experts and building Applications of any type. If you want something robust to launch to millions of users or something for a medium sized business we can help.One of our specialties is E-Commerce. Our Team can handle anything you can dream of to sell online. We can consult with you on your wish list and make it reality.

Advanced TV Sites and Apps
Ready to move your business into the OTT environment? Want to launch the next Netflix? We can help! Contact us and we can tell you how.
Syndication Solutions
We can efficiently monetize your site’s advertising inventory; image banners, video/pre-roll, rich media, emails, newsletters, co-registration, custom placement, and more. We offer media sales representation, including ad operations, for websites & media companies. We manage all aspects of ad revenue–from direct sales to Programmatic Guaranteed and your billing. We report collective advertiser feedback and optimize programs in order to build lasting relationships. We have created dozens of custom websites for Publishers. These are unique web media in multiple demographic and IAB categories.